cdln drug policy change learning center

the change drug laws now learning center is being designed by cdln’s consulting director of education and communications, bobby motamed, with almost 20 years of learning & development experience with a focus on education technology (elearning). the learning center is being built from the ground-up as a cross-organizational public education and policy training platform, allowing all member influencers – individuals and organizations – in the field of drug policy change, to have a dedicated and managed virtual education space.
cdln will be leveraging best of breed rapid development elearning tools, learning systems and virtual classroom technologies to be able to quickly create and just-in-time deliver education around drug policy change around the world, bridging the geography gap.
we invite thought-leaders, academics, academic institutions, ngos, government advocacy groups, former drug enforcement agents, and all of our brother and sister drug policy education organizations to join us in creating a robust academic space for all of our supporters.
the cdln learning center will manage signed-up virtual learners from around the world, deliver asynchronous (self-paced) learning modules and curriculums, allow for discussion forums, instant messaging, curating existing learners sites and resources, the ability to join webinars, and even virtual classrooms lead by some of the most interested, accomplished and influencing contributors of the drug policy change movement.
cdln learning center is for everyone, everywhere. we wish to continually grow our contributing supporters and organizations to create the most robust education collective and drug policy change learning platform in the world.
cdln will be leveraging best of breed rapid development elearning tools, learning systems and virtual classroom technologies to be able to quickly create and just-in-time deliver education around drug policy change around the world, bridging the geography gap.
we invite thought-leaders, academics, academic institutions, ngos, government advocacy groups, former drug enforcement agents, and all of our brother and sister drug policy education organizations to join us in creating a robust academic space for all of our supporters.
the cdln learning center will manage signed-up virtual learners from around the world, deliver asynchronous (self-paced) learning modules and curriculums, allow for discussion forums, instant messaging, curating existing learners sites and resources, the ability to join webinars, and even virtual classrooms lead by some of the most interested, accomplished and influencing contributors of the drug policy change movement.
cdln learning center is for everyone, everywhere. we wish to continually grow our contributing supporters and organizations to create the most robust education collective and drug policy change learning platform in the world.
