July 8, 2020:
Maximizing the Impact of Virtual Classrooms: Tips & Tricks for Success
This super cool one hour video gives a brief introduction of effective virtual instructional methods to drive excitement and motivation outside of a real classroom.
Virtual Classrooms, not the same as zoom, teams, or similar. VC really leveragethe best parts of live classroom events, like breakout rooms, teamwork, giving feedback, polling, raising hands and sharing the mic. If you are interested in exploring how virtual classroom tools can assist your training objectives and address your remote location challenges contact us at learn@mindhouselearning.com.
Summary: Virtual classrooms have proven their worth by overcoming all training disruptions during COVID-19. If you are planning to adopt virtual classrooms, learn how to ace its delivery. #mindhouseconsulting #mindhouselearning #elearning #digitaltraining #elearningconsulting #remotelearning #virtualinstruction #virtuallearning #virtualclassroom
An update on our new client the BCMEA:
#elearning #digitaltraining #elearningconsulting #training #learning #learninganddevelopment
July 02, 2020:
The Power Of Feedback In eLearning
In this awesome article Zsolt Olah explains the importance of e-learning feedback, one of the top 5-10 factors, and how to make it most impactful. Feeback is no doubt one of the essential factors in any project to allow for continual improvement and establishment of best-practices.
Summary: Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative. #mindhouseconsulting #mindhouselearning #elearning #digitaltraining #traininganddevelopment
How to Measure Customer Value (And Why It Matters) 2020
Laura Patterson explains what creating value means exactly and shares some advice about customer value metrics. Althought ROI is difficult to gauge with eLearning / training & development, its not impossible! Ask us how at learn@mindhouselearning.com
Summary: For several years, Laura Patterson has been exploring the concept of marketers as “value creators.” The C-suite considers these individuals indispensable because they excel at proving how their marketing initiatives contribute to business impact. But what exactly does it mean to create value? And how can you reflect this in customer-focused metrics? #mindhouseconsulting #mindhouselearning #elearning #digitaltraining #traininganddevelopment
June 23, 2020:
How The Shift To Remote Learning Affects Students Used To Face-To-Face Learning
A great short article by Edward Roesch discussing the current global increase in online training need and engagement and impact on traditional learning experiences:
Article Summary: When a crisis forced the educational institutions to make a shift to remote learning, a majority of schools and teachers found themselves unprepared to adapt to the sudden and unplanned transformation in the educational sphere. #mindhouseconsulting #mindhouselearning #elearning #digitaltraining #traininganddevelopment
Why Is Three-Dimensional Learning A Future Trend In Education?
Parminder Walia exploring 3D Learning and how it compells learners to see things in a whole new perspective:
Article Summary: The current learning trend no longer relies on trivia or memorization. There has been a major shift in the way a concept is being taught and learned by students. This education trend changed when different types of K-12 content providers and K-12 curriculum development companies started their research and found a great way to create eLearning content with a major focus on visualization and knowledge retention. #mindhouseconsulting #mindhouselearning #elearning #digitaltraining #traininganddevelopment
